Saturday, December 22, 2007

The super powered gas remote control car

Remote control car is a battery driven model car that can be
controlled using a remote from quite a distance. Inputs from the
remote radio are given with the help of joysticks via a
transmitter. These signals are sent to the radio remote control
car's receiver. These remote controlled cars can be designed
simple with a stop and go model or even can be built with
complex racing features. There can be a lot of complexity and
adjustability that can be put into the design of a remote
control car. Now, building, driving, and modifying these remote
controlled cars is not restricted to hobbies and experiments

Radio remote controlled cars can be easily divided in two types
either as "toy" or "hobby" grade. The toy grade remote
controlled cars are charged with the help of electric batteries
while the hobby grade cars that have been modeled for use, work
on either electricity or fuel for power. The electric rc cars
are small in size but use powerful electric motors and
rechargeable batteries. Most of these electric rc car models use
miniature internal combustion engines that are fuelled by a
special mixture of nitro methane, methanol, and a particular
type of oil. These types of electric rc cars are referred to as
nitro rc cars or nitro remote control cars.

The incresed interest of the industry has led to the development
of large models which are powered by small gasoline engines.
These gas powered remote control car are more complex in design
and prove to be less viable than the electric rc cars which are
generally considered easier for the novice to work with than gas
powered remote control cars. At the same time the electric rc
cars can be equally complex at the higher budget and skill

Guys who are interested in robotics, are always on the mission
to design a new remote control car. These types of model cars
are usually built in modules so in case any part breaks or wears
out, it can be replaced individually. The availability of many
replacement and high-performance parts for hobby-grade model
vehicles allows them to be extensively upgraded, all details can
be found at href="">Rem
ote Control Car.

There are tracks and racing junctions where you can get your
remote control cars to race against other remote cars. There are
activities round the year to attract such enthusiasts from
around the world to get together and race. You will find that
there are many levels of difficulty from beginners and all the
way to hardcore professionals, the tough competition ensures
that there is a racing class regardless of skill or equipment
level. href="">Remote
Control Car racing is a serious professional motor sport,
with factory-backed drivers racing for cash prizes all over the

About the author:
Randell Rogfend is a father of three children who has had a long
and fulfilling writing career. His passion is writing and he has
contributed to countless newspapers, magazines and books. The following
site is his collection of articles about his latest interest: