Friday, March 7, 2008

Rc Toys

RC Toys (Radio Controlled toys) can be toy grade or hobby

The toy-grade RC Toys can be available at a cheap rate in
almost every retail store. They are made of non-serviceable
parts and are produced in bulk. The RC Toys are not very robust
in their speed or abilities.

A RC device of one toy cannot be used in another toy. They are
not durable and are of "soft" material; these RC toys are mostly
not able to take on the rugged terrain outdoors. They are
available in "ready to use", "buy and play" models and need no
assembly. The only thing that will be required is to open the
battery case and put in the batteries, and then the toy is ready
for use.

On the other hand, hobby grade RC toys are made of durable
material, and are custom made. They are mostly simple in their
design. The design is simple and can be re-used / remodeled, and
can be serviced. The radio controller and the parts can easily
be used in another hobby grade toy. They are durable and more
robust. They are not always available in ready-to-use state,
though there are many hobby-grade RC stores that will deliver
the toy in assembled state.

Many hobbyists like to buy the RC toys in parts, and prefer to
do the assembly themselves. The design, assembly, and driving of
the radio controlled toy is in itself a hobby. The serious
hobbyists also indulge in the RC sports that have their rules
and specifications, not to mention the winnings, which usually
will be an enhancement to their current RC toy or another RC

RC toys are available as a toy grade or a hobby grade toy
nowadays. They can be airplanes, helicopters, boats, cars and

Airplanes come in various sizes and shapes ranging from
small flyers to gas turbine driven aerobatic models. The models
can be tethered to a fixed pole via rope, or can be free flying
models. They can be electrically propelled, or fuel driven
models. The latest RC models can reach up to 250 mph.

RC airborne toys require a high level of knowledge and
control, and will need supervision of adults. They are not
suitable for younger kids. They are relatively more expensive
than the rest of the RC models. This is another reason that
younger kids cannot use it safely, since a crash can result in
damage that can be too costly.

The RC car is the one most common toy among radio
controlled model hobbyists. The cars come in various sizes and
shapes and can also be fuel driven or electrically powered. Just
like the cars come in various sizes and shapes, so do the
enthusiasts! RC cars are relatively safe compared to the
airborne toys, and can be controlled even by a child. They can
be "off-road" or "on-road" models, referring to the terrain on
which they can drive on. The RC car races are common for the RC
model hobbyists.

Helicopters: Another airborne RC model. It is different
from the airplane in design and flight, and some say that it is
much more interesting to fly. However, the same considerations
that apply to helicopters apply here too.

A RC boat was the first of the RC toys, that was Radio
controlled. Tesla demonstrated the RC boat model which he showed
to the public as a device that "obeyed people's commands", where
in reality it was him controlling the boat according to the
people's commands.

Robotics: These are most popular in Japan, but the
popularity is quickly catching up in other nations in the west
too. Robotic hobbyists who design, control and model the
robotics for various activities are common, and there are
various competitions held regularly for them to create the best

Robotics however, are actually moving from RC models to the
latest artificial intelligence models and voice controlled
models. But, RC models of robots are still very popular as RC
Toys, as hobbies as well as a safety tool for remote handling of
bombs and such.


Have fun with your RC Toys.

About the author:
Morten Hansen has been working with the Radio Controlled Hobby
area for several years and is mainly writing about subjects,
that makes it easier for Internet users to learn about Radio
Controlled Hobby subjects. For more details about the Radio
Controlled Hobby Area visit our website href="">