Monday, January 28, 2008

Nitro Powered Cars

Another type of RC car is the nitro powered model cars. We all
know that nitro powered cars are fast and it's what most
hobbyists' reason why nitro cars are often chosen over electric
RC cars. But of course, this isn't an ideal car model for
beginners. Compared to electric powered models too, nitro cars
give the real feeling of how racing should be. Over the years,
development has been improved for better and efficient running.

There are numerous disadvantages in using nitro cars and
maintenance among them. Dirt is easily accumulated after a short
run and the chassis of the car requires cleaning in a regular
basis. Also, another requirement for maintaining nitro powered
cars is how it should be properly tuned. Nitro cars need to
perform in top condition and maximum speed without consuming
much of the fuel. Through proper tuning, overheating of these
types of cars is prevented.

Compared to electric powered cars, a battery-powered car can
achieve a run of about 10 minutes tops and then the batteries
need to be recharged again; whereas nitro cars can be driven for
longer duration.

A nitro powered car has four distinct parts and it includes
special nitro fuel, the high horsepower engine, the pipe for
tune exhaust and the air filter can be replaced. These parts are
important for cleaning and regular check up because if these
materials are neglected; a possible mechanical wear could

One safety precaution falls under collision. Nitro cars are more
prone to collision with other nitro cars due to the speed and
power during acceleration. It's important to be aware first of
safety measures regarding nitro cars before putting them to the
real test. Generally, nitro cars require more attention since it
asks for a lot of maintenance; but you can guarantee its
performance as well if handled with great care.

About the author:
Find out more about RC cars at

Methanol On Nitro Fueled RC Cars

When you have RC cars, the degree of taking care of it and the
importance of regular maintenance is high. There are a lot of
things needed to take note of and still many things to learn
about owning a remote controlled car. Also, the difference
between electronic powered cars between a nitro fueled ones has
to be mastered accordingly.

Of the several important things needed in running nitro-fueled
RC cars, there are three important facts you need to know about
nitro fuel and what it does for your car. The basic components
of a nitro fuel have three blends. First, there is the methyl
alcohol or otherwise known as the methanol, then there is the
nitro-methane or simply called nitro, and then of course oil.
Although these components may sound so technical (especially the
first one), finding nitro fuel for your car isn't that difficult
since you can purchase these blended fuel with no problems via
online or straight from your local hobby shops.

Now, we go back to methanol or the other names it has such as
methyl alcohol, carbinol, wood alcohol, wood naptha or wood
spirits. What it does is it provides power for the engine and
it's the primary power to be provided to RC cars running on
nitro. An ideal fuel this is, mainly because it's not as
flammable and it tends to release more energy per pound compared
to gasoline.

A disadvantage in using methanol is that it can intoxicate you
but not directly kill you since it isn't poisonous. Once exposed
to it, the toxic breakdown in the body caused by the enzyme
alcohol dehydrogenase forms formic acid in the liver which
eventually leads to blindness. Be careful not to inhale this
fuel or to have your skin absorb it. Be sure you contact a
medicine expert for any suspicious central nervous system
depression that occurs.

But going back to methanol's main purpose to RC cars, it is an
important component to boost your RC car's energy and overall
performance. It is, also affordable compared to gas so expenses
shouldn't be of any issue with this type of fuel.

About the author:
More information is available online at

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

RC Car beats 218hp Mini GP Around A Track!

RC Car beats 218hp Mini GP Around A Track! - Click here for the funniest movie of the week

Friday, January 18, 2008

Electric RC Cars

Radio remote controlled cars are such a big hit to both young
and old boys. The excitement of building a toy car from scratch
can be compared to having owned a car the first time. Of course,
it's not only about the excitement in building, assembling and
running an RC car, but there's actually more to it needed.

Initially, for beginners, there are two types of RC cars or
models to choose from. Mainly, the engine has two
classifications and it's the electric versus nitro powered cars.
The difference between the two is evident in the performance of
the cars, but; the benefit depends on the preference of the
person owning it. There can be certain advantages to a person if
he opt for the nitro powered ones but there can also be obvious
benefits to the other person who chose the electric powered
models. Either way, if you're confused about the advantages and
disadvantages of the two; be sure you have thought about what
you really want to get before settling for a choice.

What about electric RC cars? Generally, cars running
electrically are great for people who have just started RC cars
as a hobby. In terms of location where to use electrical RC
cars, there is a great advantage because it's not as noisy as
the ones running on nitro. Speed is generally fast as well
though not as fast as the nitro RC cars.

In terms of power, electric RC cars require batteries. It's best
to use rechargeable ones and make sure you have a spare. Running
time lasts for about 10 minutes; while the other battery is
being used on the car, you can charge the spare one since
charging time takes about 20-30 minutes. The rechargeable
batteries can be charged from a 12-volt car battery or directly
from the wall socket.

Another reason why electric cars are easy to handle especially
for the beginners is that the maintenance of the car is easier
compared on nitro cars. With electric RC cars, you only need to
make sure you have a good set of quality rechargeable batteries
and battery charger. Although initially, buying these
requirements is going to cost you much or almost the same as the
cost of a nitro car, you'll be able to save in the long run as
long as you take care of the batteries and charger. Cleaning is
also a breeze with these models so it's even less the hassle but
still maintains great power at the same time.

About the author:
Visit to learn more
about radio remote controlled cars.

Drag RC Cars

Drag RC Cars - The best video clips are right here

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Nitro RC Cars For Enthusiasts

Nitro RC cars are added to the list of vanity and sought after
toys for the big boys. If you have been driving for many years
but never heard of Nitro RC cars, these are but miniature model
vehicles/autos run by nitro methane via remote control device.
The way it got its name.

Driving this engine, too close to be an accomplishing, life-like
experience is for enthusiasts who love electronically
manipulated gadgets. Gaming with nitro RC cars could get so
serious that hobbyists find themselves neck-to-neck in racetrack
competitions. What do you expect in racetracks? The bets and fun!

More than what Nitro RC cars can do to sensible past time,
people indulged in the hobby, is more hooked by assembling and
maintaining the toy. It is a state-of the art creation anyway.
Models can be brought in kits and assembled at home. The make is
similar to a life-size car, except they are small.

The measure and assessment of what size you will take comes in
scale of say 1/10 of real car. It means if you buy the model,
you get a small car in a package with an engine powered by
methane by-products. Hobbyists just get crazy by the roar of the
engine. You can't expect this noise with real cars, planes,
choppers and buggies.

Nitro RC cars have specific language quite different from what
other men talk about with life-sized cars, although the context
is just the same. Repairs will not come close to real
automobiles, but they also take some time to overhaul. Running
them have no specific rules other than what big men can already
make up with common sense. But believe it or not, these minute
power players can run a speed ranging from 20 to 90 MPH!

In other words, running it carelessly anywhere can already cause
hazard in some ways. That is why there is silent gathering for
serious enthusiasts who have come to terms with the expertise of
operating their nitro RC cars. The price range could start as
cheap as $150 for starters who would practice with low-end

After spending the novice periods or probably after smashing the
nitro RC car in careless fall, one could spend higher amounts on
a new one. Collections could make enormous slash in the budget,
but if the hobby goes beyond simple vanity to business, then it
becomes an asset.

Most of the maintenance and repair come from electronic
problems. People who are good in electronic troubleshooting have
the advantage of saving the budget. Buying kits and assembling
the nitro RC car can help in developing the feel of each spare
parts and invoke learning. At times, this is considered to be
the fun side of which.

After you have made the fruitful assembling of your
sophisticated technical toy, it's time to start asking: "where
do I go from here?" Space is all it takes. Joining clubs with
members indulging with the nitro RC car racing as hobby is the
place to be! Such places are available online at your
convenience. For starters, a large parking lot approved by the
owner is a good place to start with.

You can gather friends for maneuver practice until you get the
knack. If you plunge into the serious hobby, you will realize
how big the opportunities would lead you to other possibilities.
But at first you will start as novice and be grouped according
to your skill level.

About the author:
Bob is the owner of href=""> which
is an up-to-date, informative rc cars website.

R/C Car Drifting

R/C Car Drifting - Watch more amazing videos here