Friday, March 7, 2008

About radio-controlled cars, tanks, planes, helicopters and

Nitro RC Cars Nitro RC car or Gas powered RC car is a
radio-controlled model car that runs on a special fuel - a mix
of oil, nitro-methane and methyl alcohol. The ESP of a Nitro RC
car is that it is far more powerful and runs longer compared to
Electric RC cars. They are a little more expensive than their
electric counterparts - both to own and maintain. While electric
RC cars are ideal for beginners, Nitro RC cars are ideal for
serious hobbyists and racers. Basically, a Nitro RC car has an
internal combustion engine of 2-stroke or 4-stroke type. Fuel is
supplied from a little tank that contains its special fuel.
Normal gasoline will not work in these engines. It starts either
with pull start cord or starter box. As with real cars, these
engines have a carburetor, air filter and such other subsystems
of the internal combustion engine. They also have the universal
subsystems like, electronic radio control, servo speed control,
transmission / gear system, drive train, differentials, steering
system, shock absorbers, and batteries for head lights. OK, then
what makes an RC car so special and expensive? First, the
complex internal combustion engine and its subsystems are
costly, compared to the simple motor in the electric RC car. In
addition, the battery is a simple one time investment compared
to recurring fuel cost of Nitro RCs. Also, Nitro RC cars gather
more dirt and grease. More the running components in any system
mean there will be more wear and tear. Both these add to the
maintenance cost. But for the sheer power and racing range, the
Nitro RC cars are the leaders in RC toys. For your choice, they
are available in 1/8, 1/10, 1/12, 1/20 scales as well as mini
nitro RC cars. The 1/8 and 1/10 scale Nitro RC cars are popular
with racers and serious hobbyists. One can buy them in any hobby
stores or in internet commerce sites for between $200 to $400.
This is a hefty price, indeed! But it does not cost you a
fortune like the real racing cars, yet helps fulfil your racing
dreams. At 60 to 100 kmph speeds, they are very fun and

Nitro RC Car Kits Want to buy a Nitro RC car? You can either buy
a ready to run (RTR) car or build one on your own using the
Nitro RC car kits. Why take those pains? Well, ready to run may
be a few bucks more and hassle free to run, but you would be
saved of many tuning steps involved in an assembled RC car.
Though a little of tuning is inevitable with assembled Nitro RC
cars. However, it pays to assemble one because it's fun and
economical too. Besides it gives you useful insight into your RC
car. The Nitro RC car kits usually contain the following.
Engine: Depending on your choice, it is either a simple two
stroke engine or a four stoke one. Its essential parts are
cylinder, piston, piston sleeves, piston rings, cranks, valves
etc. It also has the following auxiliary parts: 1. Air filter:
To prevent entry of dirt and dust into the engine causing
damage. 2. Carburettor: This helps control flow of oil into the
engine. It has a 'Low End Adjustment Screw' to make the engine
fuel leaner or richer, thereby controlling the speed and an
'Idle Adjustment Screw' to increases or decreases the idling
speed. 3. Gears: A clutch operated gear system to transfer power
from the engine to the transmission of nitro RC car. 4. Heat
Sink: The fins on the engine cylinder are air cooled by a
cooling fan. 5. Flywheel: Like a real car, a Nitro RC car needs
a Fly wheel to conserve momentum. 6. Pull-start cord: To start
the engine. A starter box is optional. 7. Glow Plug: Similar in
function to a spark plug, it has a little coil whose heat
ignites the fuel in a Nitro RC car Engine. Drive traction and
transmission: Transmits power from gear box to differentials. It
differs slightly as whether the car is 2 wheel driven or 4 wheel
driven. Servos: These are tiny motors for control the
acceleration, speed and steering of car. Batteries: Even a Nitro
RC car need a battery pack to power its servo, electronics and
head lights etc. Other systems like Chassis, body, wheels and
axles, etc. are similar to Electric RC cars. So, before choosing
a Nitro RC car kit, decide on what kind of car and engine you
want. Also, check what additional accessories the pack contains,
in addition to necessary parts. Finally, seek advice to save on
money, time and trouble of assembling.

Electric RC Cars An Electric RC car is a radio-controlled car
operated on batteries. In comparison to the Nitro (gas-driven)
RC cars, which are powered by a small engine that runs on a
mixture of nitro methane, methanol and oil, the Electric RC cars
are economical, and easy to operate and maintain. Due to their
low cost, and ease of operability and maintenance these are very
suitable for beginners. Electric RC cars are, therefore, very
popular with both beginners and serious hobbyists. In late
1970s, Japanese firm, 'Tamiya' was the first to pioneer the art
of radio controllable model cars. Modern electric radio
controlled cars appeared on the scene in America in the early
1980s. Today, like others varieties, Electric RC cars are also
available in on-road and off-road versions. An Electric RC car
essentially consists of a battery pack, motor, servo, radio
electronics, etc., in addition to basic transmission and
steering mechanisms. To the uninitiated in other countries,
these modern miniature model cars were bafflingly similar to
real cars. With aircraft grade aluminium alloys for the body,
high impact resistant polymers for wheels (which even take
little tires), fully functional shock absorbers, transmissions,
drive systems and multi-channel radio controlled electronics,
these little machines were both toys and hobby gadgets for the
people in developed nations. To cap it all, these are available
in ready-to-use cars for novices and as do-it-yourself kits for
the mechanical enthusiasts. Electric RC cars are supported by
good after sales service and wide availability of spares. You
can purchase anywhere from a $20 toy Electric RC car to a few
thousands of dollars worthy monster cars depending on your
taste, budget and purpose, either in shops or online. The
toy-grade cheap Electric RC cars offer less-scope for
disassembling, repair, renovation / upgrading etc., compared to
the hobby grade expensive electric RC cars. Hence, the toy grade
makes sense for children and beginners for practice. As with the
thriving industry, there are thriving RC car races, racecourses,
trainers, forums, RC car enthusiasts' clubs and communities. One
would completely be immersed, once entered this world. As usual,
the Internet is replete with guidance and resources. Just Google
in it!

RC Monster Trucks The RC monster truck racing is a rapidly
growing hobby that can be enjoyed by both young and old. RC
monster trucks have become a favorite remote controlled vehicle,
because they can maneuver around and over almost anything
providing hours of fun. In addition to racing many RC monster
truck enthusiasts enjoy building and upgrading their own trucks.
There are many hobby stores that carry the materials to build an
exceptional RC monster truck. Hobby stores may also provide
information for where races are being held. There are many clubs
and organizations dedicated to the RC monster truck enthusiast.
Attending a race is an excellent place to find out about clubs
and meet other people who are interested in RC monster trucks
too. Another enjoyable part of driving RC monster trucks is
building obstacle courses and tracks. Many hobbyist build tracks
in their own backyards using any materials they have laying
around including boards, RC cars and dirt. However, there are
many store bought obstacles that can be purchase as well. RC
monster trucks can be purchased ready to run or can be purchased
as a kit that needs to be built. Additional parts are available
to make your monster truck unique. The starting price for
beginning a hobby with a RC monster truck starts at around $300
and can go up depending on the type of truck desired. There is a
large variety of RC monster trucks available for beginners and
advanced racers. RC monster trucks come as 2-wheel drive or
4-wheel drive. The power source can be electric, which requires
recharging, or it can be gas, nitro being one of the favorite
fuels. The bodies can be painted and some can be interchanged.
Almost any part on a RC monster truck can be upgraded to give it
more power or better aerodynamics for the race. RC monster
trucks can provide fun for an individual or a family. The
intricateness of building a RC monster truck can provide a
science or engineering project for a student. Or driving the
monster truck can provide a relaxing time in the backyard while
barbequing. Whichever direction you are interested RC monster
trucks has a little something for everyone.

RC Boats The hobby of rc boats has four main categories: nitro,
gas, sail, and electric. The advantage of electric is the ease
of maintenance, the relatively cheap price, and the quite
electric motor which allows you to play without disturbing other
people. The basic entry level, ready to run boat kits can go 15
- 25 mph. Gas, Nitro Boats Speed, noise, and maintenance are
important factors to consider. Before buying, make sure you have
enough wide open space, as these boats reach 30 miles per hour.
Nitro rc boats are generally faster but the run time is shorter.
The nitro fuel is also more expensive than the regular gasoline
/ oil mixture used by gas boats. Gas rc boats have much longer
run times, but are usually slower and more expensive. However it
is cheaper to operate in the long run because gasoline is much
cheaper than nitro fuel. Speed of nitro boats achieves 65mph.
Models that sell for less than $400 are usually nitro powered.
Models that sell for over $1000 are usually gasoline powered. I
would recommend starting out with the cheaper nitro boats.

RC Planes RC Airplanes have acquired an international status
mainly owing to the availability of smaller, comparatively
inexpensive parts and fast-paced development in technologies.
The broad range of models and styles available on the market
suit the tastes and budget of just about any customer. Also, a
significant number of hobbyists are flying electric powered
craft instead of fuel-powered ones, mainly because they are
easier to construct and they don't require fuel consumption.
There are many different types of radio-controlled planes such
as park flyers and trainers for beginners, glow plug engines,
electric powered and sailplane aircraft for advanced pilots and
jets, pylon racers, 3D aircraft, and other high end competition
aircraft intended for expert flyers. There are also numerous
ways to construct and assemble RC Airplanes. Today, lots of
construction kits are available in the market requiring varying
degrees of assembling, cost, skill, and experience.

RC Helicopters RC Helicopters are usually constructed using
carbon fiber, aluminum, balsa wood, foam, or fiberglass, and are
available in a variety of designs. Models that are more
maneuverable, such as helicopters with collective pitch, possess
greater aerobatic capabilities, but are mostly more difficult to
fly. Gas turbine and electric helicopters are rapidly evolving,
but the nitro types are currently the most common. Learning to
fly by radio-controlled helicopter isn't as difficult as it is
sometimes made out to be. With the latest advances in
technology, flight simulator software can teach amateur
hobbyists to handle their toy. Starting out on a personal
computer, this flight simulator software can guide amateurs to
learn all sorts of aviation and manipulation tricks.

Read further about radio-controlled cars, planes, helicopters,
tanks, boats, sailing boats, hovercrafts, submarines at the site
below. About 100 interesting articles,that you could choose what
you need,and also selection of the best models of various

About the author:
RC Toys, RC
Cars, RC Monster Trucks, RC Vehicles, RC Planes, RC Helicopters,
RC Boats, RC Submarines
href="">Nitro RC

Rc Toys

RC Toys (Radio Controlled toys) can be toy grade or hobby

The toy-grade RC Toys can be available at a cheap rate in
almost every retail store. They are made of non-serviceable
parts and are produced in bulk. The RC Toys are not very robust
in their speed or abilities.

A RC device of one toy cannot be used in another toy. They are
not durable and are of "soft" material; these RC toys are mostly
not able to take on the rugged terrain outdoors. They are
available in "ready to use", "buy and play" models and need no
assembly. The only thing that will be required is to open the
battery case and put in the batteries, and then the toy is ready
for use.

On the other hand, hobby grade RC toys are made of durable
material, and are custom made. They are mostly simple in their
design. The design is simple and can be re-used / remodeled, and
can be serviced. The radio controller and the parts can easily
be used in another hobby grade toy. They are durable and more
robust. They are not always available in ready-to-use state,
though there are many hobby-grade RC stores that will deliver
the toy in assembled state.

Many hobbyists like to buy the RC toys in parts, and prefer to
do the assembly themselves. The design, assembly, and driving of
the radio controlled toy is in itself a hobby. The serious
hobbyists also indulge in the RC sports that have their rules
and specifications, not to mention the winnings, which usually
will be an enhancement to their current RC toy or another RC

RC toys are available as a toy grade or a hobby grade toy
nowadays. They can be airplanes, helicopters, boats, cars and

Airplanes come in various sizes and shapes ranging from
small flyers to gas turbine driven aerobatic models. The models
can be tethered to a fixed pole via rope, or can be free flying
models. They can be electrically propelled, or fuel driven
models. The latest RC models can reach up to 250 mph.

RC airborne toys require a high level of knowledge and
control, and will need supervision of adults. They are not
suitable for younger kids. They are relatively more expensive
than the rest of the RC models. This is another reason that
younger kids cannot use it safely, since a crash can result in
damage that can be too costly.

The RC car is the one most common toy among radio
controlled model hobbyists. The cars come in various sizes and
shapes and can also be fuel driven or electrically powered. Just
like the cars come in various sizes and shapes, so do the
enthusiasts! RC cars are relatively safe compared to the
airborne toys, and can be controlled even by a child. They can
be "off-road" or "on-road" models, referring to the terrain on
which they can drive on. The RC car races are common for the RC
model hobbyists.

Helicopters: Another airborne RC model. It is different
from the airplane in design and flight, and some say that it is
much more interesting to fly. However, the same considerations
that apply to helicopters apply here too.

A RC boat was the first of the RC toys, that was Radio
controlled. Tesla demonstrated the RC boat model which he showed
to the public as a device that "obeyed people's commands", where
in reality it was him controlling the boat according to the
people's commands.

Robotics: These are most popular in Japan, but the
popularity is quickly catching up in other nations in the west
too. Robotic hobbyists who design, control and model the
robotics for various activities are common, and there are
various competitions held regularly for them to create the best

Robotics however, are actually moving from RC models to the
latest artificial intelligence models and voice controlled
models. But, RC models of robots are still very popular as RC
Toys, as hobbies as well as a safety tool for remote handling of
bombs and such.


Have fun with your RC Toys.

About the author:
Morten Hansen has been working with the Radio Controlled Hobby
area for several years and is mainly writing about subjects,
that makes it easier for Internet users to learn about Radio
Controlled Hobby subjects. For more details about the Radio
Controlled Hobby Area visit our website href="">

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Radio-controlled Race Cars and Racing

Sprint Electric RC Cars

There are many kinds of cars in the real world: Sedans, Safaris,
SUVs, Formula One cars. So, their imitating radio controlled
cars also have all those kinds. While a touring Electric RC Car
is the most popular one, the Electric RC Sprint Car is no doubt
the strangest of the bunch. Real Sprint Cars are small light
weight high powered cars designed for very fast racing at more
than 200 kmph. These cars have a very high power to weight ratio
or, in other words, they are relatively very light for the
speeds given by them. Being very fast, they use cage like metal
structure mounted on top for safety of drivers, in case of
overturning, rolling during high speed racing. Being very light,
to increase tire friction and to prevent easy hopping off the
track/ ground, a wing typically made of aluminium is mounted on
top in the centre, which increases the downward thrust while
racing. Electric RC Sprint Cars also imitate their real
counterparts, point for point, with only lesser speed but same
design. Due to the very high speeds, these are popular for
training of NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto
Racing) drivers. Indeed, these are designed primarily for racing
on dirty tracks in short stretches. Likewise, Electric RC Sprint
Cars can also be used for rough training on dirty bumpy tracks.
The typical features of an Electric RC Sprint Cars are as
follows: 1. Lightweight carbon-composite chassis. 2. Location of
Motor at the centre of chassis for equal weight distribution. 3.
Aluminium alloy roll cage. 4. Aluminium side guards and bumpers.
5. Adjustable aluminium wing mounted on top and with side wings
to help turning. One can even find wingless sprint cars. The
popularity of sprint cars led to the formation of the 'World of
Outlaws' sprint series. It is then little wonder that Electric
RC Sprint Cars also have devoted fans, who adore them for the
sheer pumping of adrenaline. Go Sprinting Now!

Electric RC Car Racing

Learn About Electric RC Car Racing Clubs, Types, And
Organizations. To the uninitiated, it may seem astonishing to
find the race tracks, the crowds, well organized races, rules
and regulations, even regulatory bodies, all for racing toy-like
miniatures/ model cars. The model RC cars may look small, but
are no less ferocious than their real counterparts once they
begin to race. The fact that the present world record for RC car
racing is at 178 kmph would testify it. The beauty of Electric
RC cars is their neat, quieter working on tracks, though not at
speeds comparable to the highest in fuel (Nitro/ Gas) RC cars.
There are different types of cars to race and as well as
different models and scales (scale is a fractional ratio of a
model against its original counterpart). Also, there can be
on-road or off-road races. Electric RC cars compete mainly in
1/10th and 1/12th scales, mostly on-road. There are Electric RC
Car Racing Clubs and online forums, for support, community
development, interaction and exchange of information. In many
American, European and Asian countries there are official
national RC racing associations/regulatory bodies which in turn
control local regional racing organizations for fair play. There
is also a world level RC Car Racing body called IFMAR
(International Federation of Model Auto Racing), in which the
following four regional blocks of RC car racing are members.

1. EFRA (European Federation of Radio-Operated Model
Automobiles): It has approximately 30 European nations,
including Russia, as members. 2. FAMAR (Fourth Association of
Model Auto Racing): An association of half a dozen Latin
American nations and South Africa. 3. FEMCA (Far East Model Car
Association): It represents some ten Asian countries, including
China, as well as Australia and New Zealand. 4. ROAR (Remotely
Operated Auto Racers): An apex body of the USA's and Canada's
Racing organizations.

Every year many International Racing Events are held for RC
cars. They have separate races for Fuel/ Nitro/ Gas/ Internal
Combustion RC Cars as well as Electric RC cars. Racers selected
by national bodies will participate in these full-fledged
international events like any other sport. No wonder, Electric
RC Car Racing is a very exciting, thriving, well-organized hobby
sport. It's economical too! Buy one, join now in your local
club, and enjoy!

Gas RC Race Cars

Not All Gas Cars Are Equal. Discover The Real Racers! Any Nitro
RC car that can be raced is a Gas RC Car. Here are some
examples: Gas RC Zs and Ts, Gas SUVs, Gas Hummers, Gas Buggies,
Gas Off-Road Trucks, Gas Mini RC Cars, Gas F1 type Racers, Gas
RC Tour Cars. Only Touring Gas RC cars, Formula One Gas RC cars,
and Off-Road Gas Buggies are real racecars. The Touring and
Formula One Gas RC cars have a small rear wing that provides
increased grip to the ground while racing. Most of the time,
they have four-wheel drive with high friction, soft rubber tires
like their real counterparts. There are races for two-wheel
drive and four-wheel drive trucks, buggies, touring cars, and
Can-Am bodied cars. But, there are also classes of races
specific to the Gas RC car type. Just like the real racecars,
racing these Nitro RC Racing Cars is fun and exciting. You may
also need special equipment for Nitro RC Racing Cars. Tamiya,
Traxxas, Team Losi, Kyosho, and HPI are a few reputable
manufacturers of Gas RC cars. Gas RC cars need special care
because they race for much longer durations and distances than
Electric RC Cars. When it comes to hardware, always use high
friction race tires, keep wheel alignment perfect, check all
nuts, bolts and other replaceable parts for tight and snug
fitting, and see if the engine needs to be tuned prior to
racing. Check the fuel, all of the fuel lines and other
accessories. Lubricate all of the moving parts and use ball
bearings as much as you can to minimize loss due to internal
friction. The racecar's tires need special attention. You can
use an automatic tire gluer for correct alignment and an
automatic tire tuner for tuning the tire surface. Racing cars
may need a few more sets of spare tires for races. This is more
applicable to Gas RC racecars because they run longer and
attract more dirt and grime than the electric RC cars. The Gas
RC Racing cars may just be models, but they are no less
ferocious than their real counterparts once began to race. With
the smooth rubber race tires to aid the grip, oil filled shock
absorbers for smooth ride and less wear and tear on internal
parts, very realistic modelling, powerful gas engines, specially
formulated high energy fuels, these can easily attain an insane
70 mph with some modifications. With the increasing popularity
of 1/8 and 1/10 scales, the new supercharged two-stroke gas
engines, and four stroke engines the patronage for Gas RC cars
is bound to increase. The present world record for Gas RC Race
Car Racing is at 110 mph.

Race Nitro RC Cars

Not All Nitro Cars Are Equal.Discover The Real Racers! The
excitement is palpable. Every participant is busy preparing
their cars, making last minute checks, honing tires with
meticulous precision, getting ready and checking again and again
the spare tires, batteries and extra fuel and testing the radio
controls. Only the radio controls and the sizes of tracks to
cars involved in the race betray that it's a model car race
only. The Nitro RC Racing cars may just be models but they are
no less ferocious than their real counterparts once began to
race. The fact that the present world record for RC car Racing
is at 178 kmph would testify to it. Even in normal races, they
attain the insane 120 kmph speeds. To the uninitiated, it may be
shocking to see the stunningly realistic Nitro RC Racing cars
racing with astonishing speeds, familiar auto roars and belching
of smoke! The frenzy of crowds only adds to the excitement.
Well, there can be many types of races like On-road, Off-Road,
Touring etc. choosing a race to participate need a few
pre-assessments. 1. The level of you skill. A beginner can't
race with experts. The kind of training you need also decide it.
2. The choice of model of the race and yours need to match. 3.
Popularity of the model you own and the race you can participate
in need also to be popular in your area. 4. Budget is all too
important. The initial cost of car, its maintenance, transit and
camping of racer all need consideration. 5. If you can't attend
the rigours of maintenance, off-roads are a big no-no. You can
always have good advice from clubs, experts, internet and peers.
If you are reaching a level of respectable skills, its time you
consider racing official races. They are conducted as per the
guidelines of governing bodies like the following. 1. EFRA
(European Federation of Radio-Operated Model Automobiles): it
has some 30 odd European nations including Russia as members. 2.
FAMAR (Fourth Association of Model Auto Racing): an association
of half a dozen Latin American nations and South Africa. 3.
FEMCA (Far East Model Car Association): It represents some ten
Asian countries including China and Australia and New Zealand.
4. ROAR (Remotely Operated Auto Racers): An apex body USA and
Canada's Racing organizations. There is also a world level RC
Car Racing body called IFMAR (International Federation of Model
Auto Racing), in which the above four regional blocks of RC car
racing as members.

RC Racing Monster Trucks

Get Involved, Feel The Thrill. Learn More About Racing RC
Trucks. Read A Quick Overview. Learn About The Different Clubs &

RC Racing Monster Trucks Are A Thrill. The sport of RC racing
monster trucks is a big time industry. Racing is open to both
the amateur and professional RC racing monster truck drivers.
Professional drivers that participate in racing can be backed by
specific companies and the financial winnings can be a
substantial amount. Getting involved in the sport of RC racing
monster trucks is a simple as buying a RC monster truck. Winning
an event is another story. There are a lot of details that
people modify on their RC racing monster trucks and there is a
lot of knowledge to be learned for racing strategies. Practice
tracks can be found around the world. To find tracks ask about
them at your local hobby store or take a look what information
can be found on the internet. Racing associations like the ROAR
(US and Canada), the BRCA (Britain), or the IFMAR
(international) offer a series of races year-round. Races are an
excellent place to meet people and learn more about the sport.
Some of the common racing classes depend on the size of the RC
racing monster truck, the type of power source used and the
track condition (on road or off road). RC racing monster trucks
are specifically designed to achieve the best success for a
certain race class, but the skill and knowledge of the driver
comes into play and that is what will help a racer to succeed in
winning a RC racing monster truck event. Local clubs hold races
for their members through out the year for RC racing monster
trucks. Many of them will set up various tracks through out the
year to challenge their members and to give the opportunity for
new challenges. Additionally, individuals can create their own
race tracks in their backyard or garage for practice. RC racing
monster trucks can offer many thrills for the RC hobbyist. From
the intricate design of the RC racing monster truck to the speed
and challenge of making a turn on a packed track, from the
designer details of the RC racing monster truck body to the
material planning of an exquisite track RC racing monster trucks
can provide a life-time of fun.

Read further on sites below.There is also selection of the best
race cars there.

About the author:
RC Toys, RC
Cars, RC Monster Trucks, RC Vehicles, RC Planes, RC Helicopters,
RC Boats, RC Submarines

Monster Trucks, Traxxas Monster Trucks: Jato, Revo, T-MAXX; HPI
Monster trucks - Savage; Cen Monster Truck - Genesis

How To Choose Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries That Last Four

Batteries are used by many people to power various appliances.
The size of the battery is part of its ability to generate an
adequate source of power. You will find that among the many
batteries there are certain compounds which help power the
batteries in a slightly different manner. A few of these
compounds are found in well known batteries such as alkaline
batteries and nickel cadmium batteries. You will also find
nickel metal hydride batteries.

These batteries can be used in appliances where you need long
lasting power. You should however make sure that the appliance
you need these nickel metal hydride batteries for can work. You
will need to find out from the information that is supplied with
your appliance if it has this capability. There is one item that
you will need to remember about using these batteries.

In general you will find the description of the battery type
that your appliance will take. Now when you look at the nickel
metal hydride batteries you should think about choosing a
battery which will work with a variety of appliances. This
particular battery is in many ways similar to that of the nickel
cadmium batteries. Unlike that battery there is a hydrogen
absorbing alloy instead of a cadmium one.

The abbreviated form of nickel metal hydride batteries is NiMH.
This battery has the potential to last about three to four times
longer than the NiCd batteries. Now in addition to being used in
your usual consumer electronic products these batteries can be
used for other applications. At present the use of nickel metal
hydride batteries can be found in ASIMO by Honda. ASIMO is the
human prototype robot.

Additionally nickel metal hydride batteries are used to power
the Alstom Citadis low floor tram in France and hybrid cars like
the Toyota Prius. These batteries can also be used in appliances
like flashlights, digital cameras, cordless power tools and also
RC cars.

You can expect to see these nickel metal hydride batteries being
used in appliances in place of alkaline batteries. These
batteries can be found in most retail stores in four different
sizes. These sizes are AA, C, AAA and D. As these batteries are
low in cost and yet high in energy value you will find that
using these batteries for your various appliances is an
economical move.

One of the better aspects to be found in using these nickel
metal hydride batteries is that they are less detrimental to the
environment as compared to some of the other batteries like NiCd
batteries. And when it is time to dispose of these batteries you
will find that there are recycling programs which can help to
safely dispose of the harmful matter in the batteries before a
brand new battery is made.

About the author:
Muna wa Wanjiru is a Web Administrator and Has Been Researching
and Reporting on Batteries for Years. For More Information on
Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries, Visit His Site at href='
atteries.php' target='_blank' class='navigation'>Nickel Metal
Hydride Batteries